reward value: negotiable

the Author ::

Name : Clement Tan aka Dark Koji
Age : 5th Sept 1986 (you do the counting =P)
Bloodtype : B+
Birthplace : Singapore
Hobbies : Drawing, Lazing around, Day-dreaming, Watching anime, Reading manga etc
Fave Colour? Blue
Fave Animal(s)? Tiger, Dog (Golden Retriever)
Fave Mangaka? Katsura Hoshino (D.Gray-man), Amano Kozue (ARIA), Noizi Ito, CLAMP, Akamatsu Ken ...





Clement, or Dark Koji as he is known on the net, is your average Singaporean male...or is he?
He is currently a student in Infocomm of Temasek Polytechnic, and frequently complains about how he should have gone to an art-related course instead. Whatever it is, he intend to pursue the arts in the near future. Unfortunately, that will have to wait till he finish the much-dreaded National Service.

When not seen suffering from work-overload in school, he is busy doing his 'things' within the comfort of his room. These include; surfing the net, listening to music, enjoying his daily dose of anime/manga, napping, and the occasional drawing-spree. He has completely no problem staying indoor, and have been noted to be able to do so for weeks without even stepping out of the house.
This amazing feat however, is not to be attributed to his busy indoor lifestyle, but is just plain-lazy to go outside.

Although he has been 'drawing' for years, it is only recently that he began to take his artworks seriously. With no teacher/mentor to guide him in his quest to become a professional, he have been seeking the aid of books and mimicking the art-style of others, in hopes to develop his own personal style.
So far, he has prove himself to be slightly above 'amateur-level', but is of course nowhere near his goal. Fortunately, he is a firm-believer of the old saying; "Practice makes Perfect", and so will continue to polish his skills while working on this comic~


the Website (faq) ::

So, can you tell me what is this site for?
It is basically to host my upcoming comic series; Revolution Dream. As you can see, the site is currently under major construction, but I ensure you, things will definitely look nicer once everything (or most) are done. Cheers~


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